*Distinction for the Hideout project *
Arting 2022 project "city?" this is the 11th edition of the industrial design competition aimed at sustainable design. The topic is a question about the city, its space, infrastructure and finally its inhabitants. We pose this question to designers who strive for a balance between the matter and the soul of the city in their projects.
The idea of this year's edition of Projekt Arting is to use the methods of design thinking and the potential of industrial designers for the development of the city of Bielsk-Biała. We hope to obtain design solutions and establish cooperation in the areas of innovation, education and new technologies. Actions that may affect the development of the city as a good place to live.
The attitude of the city authorities, consciously supporting any search aimed at improving social well-being, should be appreciated here. A measurable expression is the honorary patronage of the Arting Project and the funding of the main prize by the Mayor of Bielsko-Biała, Jarosław Klimaszewski.
In 1994, when the City of Bielsko-Biała organized Projekt Arting, it was supposed to be a platform for cooperation between designers and entrepreneurs from Bielsko-Biała. The topics of the competition then concerned specific needs reported by companies. This formula worked well at first, then less and less. Today, after many years, we are trying to reactivate it by introducing two new competition categories: "Bielsko-Biała" and "challenges". We hope for good results.
Each edition of Projekt Arting is also a thematic research material, prepared by invited experts. It will be presented at the scientific conference accompanying the opening of the exhibition, and published in the form of articles in the magazine. The video recording of the conference will be available on the competition website.
Arting 2022 project "city?" has an extended formula because in addition to the competition exhibition and conference, we organize a series of workshops, seminars and exhibitions in several places in the city. One such activity is "project 11.11." dealing with the revitalization of 11. Listopada Street in Bielsko-Biała. The increased organizational scope accompanying new projects requires the establishment of a new mechanism operating alongside the two-year Project Arting cycle. We want it to be a kind of design laboratory under the slogan "let's design the city together". The adopted name is "BB Design Lab" and the headquarters will be located in the building of the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation. We invite everyone who sees the sense of joint design in the city space to cooperate with us.
Arting project exhibition and competition results: HERE
More about the project: TUTAJ